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Veil of Time Pronunciation Guide

Personal Names

Bridghe - Breej (soft “j”)


Cailleach - Kay-luch (emphasis on 1st syllable)


Fergus - Fair-gus 


Graeme - Gray-em 


Ila - Ee-lah


Iona - Eye-oh-na 


Ma-Khee - Mah-key 


Oeric - Yo-rik


Radha - Rah-duh


Saraid - Sa-ri 


Sula - Soo-luh 


Talorcan - Tal-or-kun

Place Names

Dal Riada - Dal-ree-ahd-ah 


Dunadd - Dun-add


Loch Glashan - Loch (ch as in Spanish “h”) Glah-shun


Moine Mhor - Mon-ye Vore


Scone - Skoon


Ainbcellaig - an-be-kay-lig


Ban-Druidhe - Bahn dru-id-e 


Fraoch - Frewch (hard “ch”, as in loch)


Mo Chridhe - Moh cree


Samhain - Sah-voon

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